TailAdmin Next.js (App Router) Changelog
Version 2.0.0 - [February 2025]
This major update brings a comprehensive redesign of almost every component and page, along with significant functionality improvements tailored for Next.js applications using the App Router.
Major Improvements
- Complete redesign of the dashboard and all major pages using Next.js 13+ App Router and React Server Components
- Enhanced user interface with new Next.js-optimized components and polished existing ones
- Improved responsiveness and accessibility across all components using React hooks and Next.js built-in optimizations
- New features including a collapsible sidebar, chat screens, and a full calendar implemented with Next.js App Router
- Redesigned authentication pages with improved state management using Next.js App Router and server actions
- Updated and new data visualization components using ApexCharts for React, optimized for server-side rendering
New Features and Enhancements
Dashboard Layouts
- 1.1 Redesigned Ecommerce dashboard with new KPI widgets and sales charts using ApexCharts and Next.js Server Components for data fetching
- 1.2 Revamped Analytics dashboard with ApexCharts using Next.js Server Actions
- 1.3 Updated Marketing dashboard with performance metrics and chart.
- 1.4 Enhanced CRM dashboard with customer insights and chart, using Next.js middleware for data processing
- 1.5 Improved Stocks dashboard portfolio chart using ApexCharts and server-side data fetching
Navigation and Layout
- 2.1 Implemented collapsible sidebar using Next.js App Router layout patterns
- 2.2 Improved header design with quick action buttons, notifications, user dropdown, and dark/light mode toggle using Next.js Client Components
- 2.3 Added dynamic route-based breadcrumbs using Next.js App Router conventions
Communication Tools
- 3.1 New chat screens with real-time messaging using Next.js Server Components and Client Components
- 3.2 Redesigned email inbox with server-side pagination and filtering
- 3.3 Enhanced email details view with threaded conversations using Next.js dynamic imports
Document Management
- 4.1 Updated invoice screen with Next.js API routes for data management
- 4.2 New file manager and folder structure using Next.js Server Components for directory traversal
Data Visualization
- 5.1 Redesigned chart components: Line, Area, Bar, and Donut charts using ApexCharts for React, optimized for Next.js server-side rendering
- 5.2 New interactive map component with customizable markers and regions using jvectormap/core and jvectormap/react, integrated with Next.js dynamic imports
Authentication and User Management
- 6.1 Completely redesigned authentication pages (Login, Register, Forgot Password, OTP Verification) using Next.js App Router and Server Actions
- 6.2 Implemented user profile with avatar customization modal form, utilizing Next.js API routes for image uploads
Pricing and Subscriptions
- 7.1 New pricing table design with feature comparison, using Next.js Server Components for dynamic pricing data
- 7.2 Added subscription management interface design with Next.js API routes for subscription handling
Error and Status Pages
- 8.1 Redesigned error pages: 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, 503 Service Unavailable using Next.js custom error pages
- 8.2 New status pages: Success, Maintenance, and Coming Soon, implemented as static pages with Next.js
UI Elements
- 9.1 Enhanced Avatar component with group avatar support, optimized for Next.js Image component
- 9.2 Redesigned Alert component with close functionality, using React hooks
- 9.3 Added Colored Link component for better visual hierarchy, integrated with Next.js Link component
- 9.4 New Ribbon component for highlighting important elements, compatible with Server Components
Basic Tables and Data Display
- 10.1 Improved default table component with sorting and pagination functionality, using Next.js Server Components for data fetching
- 10.2 New Advanced Table component with filtering and column customization, leveraging Next.js API routes for server-side operations
Calendar and Scheduling
- 11.1 Implemented full-featured calendar with drag-and-drop event management using full calendar, optimized for Next.js
- 11.2 Added support for event modal with Next.js Server Actions for event creation and updates
Performance and Accessibility
- 12.1 Optimized page load times and component rendering using Next.js App Router’s built-in code splitting and lazy loading
- 12.2 Improved keyboard navigation and screen reader support
- 12.3 Enhanced color contrast and readability across all components with themeable context, compatible with Next.js App Router
Breaking Changes
- Migrated from Next.js 14 to Next.jsx 15. Update your routing implementation accordingly.
- Chart components now use ApexCharts for React, optimized for Next.js. Update your data format and props accordingly.
- Authentication flow has been updated to use Next.js Server Actions and middleware. Review the new auth implementation.
Version 1.3.0 - [January 31, 2024]
This release brings a wealth of new features and enhancements, focusing on expanding dashboard variants, form elements, and UI components for Next.js with App Router.
New Features
Dashboard Variants
- 1.1 New Stocks dashboard featuring:
- DataStats slider for quick market overview
- Interactive chart component for stock performance visualization using ApexCharts
- My Stocks portfolio summary component
- Trending Stocks widget
- Latest Transaction Cards for real-time updates
- 1.1 New Stocks dashboard featuring:
Advanced Form Elements
- 2.1 Range Slider component for intuitive value selection
- 2.2 File Drop Zone component for easy file uploads, integrated with Next.js API routes
Pro Form Layouts
- 3.1 Contact Form 2 with enhanced field validation using Next.js Server Actions
- 3.2 Survey Form component for comprehensive data collection
Data Display
- 4.1 Pro Tables component with advanced sorting and filtering capabilities, using Next.js Server Components for data fetching
- 4.2 Invoice Two component for professional billing documentation
Content and Information Pages
- 5.1 FAQs page with expandable sections using Next.js Server Components
- 5.2 Teams One & Two layouts for showcasing team members
- 5.3 Terms & Conditions page template
UI Components
- 6.1 Avatars One & Two components with various sizes and styles, optimized for Next.js Image component
- 6.2 List components: One, Two & Three for versatile content display
- 6.3 Notifications Four component for advanced alert systems
- 6.4 Spinners One & Two components for loading state indicators
Utility Pages
- 7.1 Coming Soon page component for pre-launch teasers
- 7.2 2-Step Verification component for enhanced security, integrated with Next.js authentication
- 7.3 Under Maintenance page component for scheduled downtimes
Form Elements
- 1.1 Integrated flatpickr in Date Picker component for improved date selection
- 1.2 Enhanced Select Element with color change on option selection
- 1.3 Functional Multiselect Dropdown component for multiple item selection
Pricing Tables
- 2.1 Made the best value editable in Pricing Table One component
Layout Improvements
- 3.1 Refactored Default Layout Component for consistent page structure using Next.js App Router layouts
- 3.2 Updated root layout for cleaner code and improved reusability
Version 1.2.0 - [September 2023]
This release focuses on improving data handling and enhancing component architecture for Next.js with App Router.
Major Changes
- Data Tables
- 1.1 Improved default table component with enhanced sorting and filtering capabilities, optimized for Next.js Server Components
Component Architecture
- 1.1 Moved components to align with Next.js App Router file-based routing structure
Data Display
- 2.1 Updated and refined Data Tables styles for better readability and interaction
Version 1.1.2 - [August 2023]
Minor update focusing on code organization and styling improvements.
Code Structure
- 1.1 Reorganized components to align with Next.js App Router conventions
UI Improvements
- 2.1 Updated Data Tables style for better visual consistency
Version 1.1.1 - [July 2023]
This release marks a significant change in the project’s technology stack.
Major Changes
- TypeScript Migration
- 1.1 Converted the entire project from JavaScript to TypeScript for improved type safety and developer experience
Version 1.1.0 - [June 2023]
Minor update focusing on navigation and linking improvements.
- Navigation
- 1.1 Updated linking throughout the application to use Next.js Link component and App Router conventions
Version 1.0.2 - [May 2023]
This release brings improvements to form elements and page metadata.
Form Elements
- 1.1 Improved Date Picker component with style and functionality enhancements
SEO and Metadata
- 2.1 Updated metadata using Next.js App Router’s new metadata API for better SEO
Version 1.0.1 - [April 2023]
Initial post-release update with minor improvements and bug fixes.
- Various minor bug fixes and performance improvements
Version 1.0.0 - [March 2023]
Initial release of TailAdmin Next.js with App Router.
- Core dashboard functionality
- Basic Next.js components optimized for App Router
- Essential form elements
- Fundamental data display options
We’re excited to continue improving TailAdmin Next.js and look forward to your feedback on these updates!