πŸ“‚ File Structure (React)

The TailAdmin React file structure is designed to keep your codebase modular, scalable, and easy to navigate. By organizing your app into well-defined folders and components, you can ensure a clean and maintainable React project.

Here’s an overview of the file structure:

  • πŸ“‚ public/ β€” Contains static files such as index.html, favicon.ico, and other assets.

  • πŸ“‚ src/ β€” Contains the source code of your React app.

    • πŸ“‚ components/ β€” Contains reusable components used across the app.

      • πŸ“‚ common/ β€” Contains commonly used reusable components like breadcrumbs.
      • πŸ“‚ ui/ β€” Contains reusable UI components like buttons and modals.
    • πŸ“‚ contexts/ β€” Contains React Context providers for managing global state.

      • πŸ“‚ SidebarContext/ β€” Manages sidebar-related state across the application.
      • πŸ“‚ ThemeContext/ β€” Handles theme preferences (dark/light mode).
    • πŸ“‚ hooks/ β€” Contains custom React hooks to encapsulate reusable logic.

    • πŸ“‚ pages/ β€” Contains React components representing different pages of the app.

      • πŸ“‚ Dashboard/ β€” Components related to the dashboard section.
        • πŸ“„ Analytics.tsx β€” Analytics dashboard page.
        • πŸ“„ Crm.tsx β€” CRM dashboard page.
        • πŸ“„ Ecommerce.tsx β€” E-commerce dashboard page.
        • πŸ“„ Marketing.tsx β€” Marketing dashboard page.
    • πŸ“„ App.tsx β€” The root component of the React application.

    • πŸ“„ index.tsx β€” The entry point of the application.

  • πŸ“„ .gitignore β€” Specifies files and folders to be ignored by Git.

  • πŸ“„ package.json β€” NPM package configuration and dependencies.

  • πŸ“„ tailwind.config.js β€” Tailwind CSS configuration file.

  • πŸ“„ tsconfig.json β€” TypeScript configuration file.

This organized file structure enables easy collaboration, clean architecture, and a straightforward development experience in a React-based TailAdmin project. The clear separation between components, contexts, hooks, and pages ensures that each part of the application is easy to maintain and scale.